July 2008
Howdy Folks:
Bull McFearson put on a great match this month and for those of you who couldnÕt brave the heat, you missed a great time. There were two posses each day with lots of help with the stages. The weather was just great in the morning and got a little warm after everyone finished in the afternoon.
Mescalero will be putting on this next months shoot. He said that it will be a Hawaii theme and in difference to the heat the only requirements to attire will be hats and boots. Grass skirts and coconut bras are welcome. Just be aware that even though you might be showing more skin, you must still protect yourself against heat and the suns rays. So wear sun block and stay as cool as possible. Be sure to drink lots of water.

If everyone helps out with the stages we should all have the opportunity to get under the shade to cool off as needed.
We had some new and famieler faces around the campfire who were experienced shooters and or who havenÕt been with us in a while, we hope they enjoyed their time with us and come back again.
We also had a new shooter, Lethal Lloyd join us.

Bones Brannon showed us his new toy that uses soda cans. What a blast that was. Hopefully all of you get a chance to try it too. But you have to be quick! There wonÕt be much left for recycling after you finish with this one.
With summer heat upon us itÕs time to try and find some way to stay cool and comfortable. I would like to suggest a pot luck with something on the cool side. Lots of salads, cold cuts, and fruits. So ladies put on your thinking caps and see what you can dig up. ItÕs too blasted hot to bbq!
So bring something cool Saturday evening about 5pm and have a great time.
See you on the range.
Doll Maker
Howdy All, from Mad Dog Draper
If you were at 5 Dogs this weekend you probably saw the sample nametags, if not you also missed a beautiful weekend and we hope to see you next month. The nametags are a white background with black lettering with the 5 Dogs logo and attached by means of very strong magnets so there is no damage to your clothing. The cost for the nametags will be $7.00 each. If you would like to order one or more, make the check out to
5 Dogs Creek.
Fill out the order form below and mail it with a check to Dirt McFearson. The order will be placed as soon as possible.
Nametag order form
Mail to:
Kirt McKee
4623 Goal Point Street
Bakersfield, Calif. 93312
Name: _________________________________________________
Phone or email: ________________________________________
Alias to appear on badge: __________________________________
Number of badges________ X $7.00 =_____
Alias to appear on badge: __________________________________
Number of badges_______ X $7.00 = _____
Total amount sent $____________________