Sept edition 2007

Howdy folks.
Labor Day weekend was a great success this weekend at 5 Dogs. Peso Bill put on a fine match this month with some interesting stages witch made a person use their ole noggins for something besides a hat rack. Thanks Peso for a super job well done.
The temperatures at the range were pretty warm but we had a gentle breeze most of the time and it kept everyone pretty comfortable. The shade trees are a blessing and sure made for a cool respite from the sun.
We had a visitor from Hawaii with us this month. His name is Haole. He lives on one of the big islands and enjoys shooting in his clubs over there. Though they are small clubs they really enjoy the sport. He camped out at the range with the other campers and said we have a great range. He is planning on shooting at some other clubs before returning to Hawaii. We welcome you around our campfire Haole.

We had some Scottish shooters this month Dirt McFearson & Mescalero. But I heard some remarks that they needed more sun on their legs. Sure a good way to stay cooled off there guys! Love The Captain Morgan pose too!!

With everyone helping on the range this month, everything went really smooth. All the posses finished up before the heat got too extream and everyone got to go home early and get under their coolers, grab something cold and just kick back and relax. Thank you everyone for the help getting things done and put away.
Here is the list for the next few months of people putting on the monthly matches.
Current schedule is:
Oct...Dirt MacFearson and the MacFearson clan
Nov...Calgary Kate & Mescalero
Mescalero is making a list for next years matches so please think about getting your names down if you can put a match on.
For those of you going to the John Wayne Annual we wish you all a good time and good shooting.
We are all looking forward to cooler weather for our October match weekend
and that's when I'll give a Park Lane jewelry show. On SAT., OCTOBER 6,
after the guns are put away, we've all had lunch, and kicked off our boots,
come over with your refreshments where I'll be set up at the tables in the
main meeting area. No purchase is necessary, just come and set awhile and
see what I've got. You may find something for yourself or holiday presents
for others.
Sunshine Kid
Please remember with the summer months upon us to stay cool and hydrated
On August 28 we had a film crew come in and do some filming for a trailer for a movie they are making. There was a call put out for some movie extras and a few fellows showed up. These guys were really great and worked hard helping put this together for them. Bones Brannon, Peso Bill, Gun Click Rick,
Ole Buccaroo, Ten Bears and Rowdy Yates were doing their best before the cameras and had a great time. The film company is Burning Spirit Films. When they get the trailer made they will let us have a copy and we can view it during a movie night. The movie will be called Within. Who knows, we may have some movie stars among us. I am also putting together a slide show of my photos that I took that day so we can view it sometime.
What a great bunch!!
Doll Maker